Saturday 14 February 2015

UNISON Național Women 's Conference 12-14 February , Southport

Day 2-text

The Conference was addressed by Lucia McKeever UNISON President that gave an inspirațional speach. 

The seminar UNISON internațional gave a perspective for the campaign against violence against women with details and case studies. 

The Conference debated  and passed  the motions 8- 19.

Dave Prentice UNISON General Secretary gave a popular speech highlighting sensible points of Unison vision  on women contribution to advance to a better future of our society:
• 30 years fight against discrimination and promote equality 
• training being core of learning and promote a positive action in practical aspects of union 
• zero tolerance for violence against women
• reality we face include zero hour contracts, cuts, austerity and we need to stand up unite against all of them
• we need to tackle inequal redistribution from poors to the rich part of societyyhst currently happen 
• the dynamic of the curent politics is not focus on economics, not in eradicate the poverty reality of austerity, not to support the young, elderly and disabled, not for building jobs , not in justice, nor against race discrimination .

Now the political powers in UK are proposing  restricțions on industrial action, on facility time , attacking the trade unions, public services and ultimately the democracy. 

We heading for election this year and the choice is our to make a chance for all this 50 shade of grey economy. 

We cannot let rasist mouvements UKIP and BNP to get rid of safety regulations , women equal rights and let the curent politics to go on and take away our jobs, our NHS, our children future. 

The UNISON campaign for 50:50 women - men representation for Parliament is what we want to see as a shift in politics and culture. 

Questions yourself for what you vote ? How you vote? 

Just make sure you go to vote as right as you can. 

The believe is that new future is possible and our Unison voice can be heard and we can see a shift in the politics.

Ionela FLOOD , Women equality Officer -UNISON
Housing Association Branch London

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