Saturday 14 February 2015

UNISON National Women Conference 12-14 February 2015- Southpot -day 1

The Conference meet and greet the delegates from all regions of UK in a warm and proactive ethos of women activism for a fairer society. The Conference also debate and vote motions1-7.

The Regional meetings focused on the Housing issues:

• private housing versus council housing and the impact on vulnerable people being pushed out of London
•the parity of the 2 type of housing to be implemented equaly and the conseqvences on the social housing and care sector
•the impact of cuts and austerity measures on every day life .

Yvette Cooper , MP was addressing the conference fighting the gender equality focusing her speech on :
• the cost of living crisis that affect the families
•the inequality on pay for women still an issue
• the prices rising faster the wages constantly generating a pay gap never seen in the last 40 years
•plea to women to register for vote to be able to change the decrease on tax credits and child care support
• gender discrimination raising to 91% since introduction of employment tribunal fees
• recognising and prise the union that is the voice of working people and stand strong against challenges, discrimination and negotiation of fairness in workplaces in UK.

Ionela Flood
Equality for Women
Housing Association Branch London

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