"Lanţul cu chei mi-a căzut din stele în creier,
mi-au zornăit minţile de durere şi de sunet.
Trupul meu tot deveni o cheie de fier,
Doamne, pentru o uşă uriaşă
la al cărei lacăt nu am cum să ajung,
decât numai dacă mă ridici în braţe.
Haide, cât eşti de mare, tu,
haide, cât eşti tu de indiferent,
răsuceşte-mă şi rupe-mă
şi deschide odată uşa aia!
Haide, deschide-o odată!"
Cheile-Nichita Stanescu
Saturday, 12 December 2020
[Get 33+] 41+ Editable Business Canvas Template Gif vector
41+ Editable Business Canvas Template Gif. Editable business model canvas powerpoint template is a profesional presentation representing the business model canvas in board format. The business model canvas reflects systematically on your business model, so you can focus on your business model segment by segment.
Business Model Canvas Powerpoint Template Slidesalad from www.slidesalad.comThat's where the business model canvas comes in. The business model canvas was proposed by alexander osterwalder in his book, business model ontology, and it presents the elements that form the building blocks of a business plan for a new or existing business. These business model templates are free to download and available in ms word, ppt and excel.
This also means you can start with a brain dump, filling out the segments the spring to your mind first and then work on the empty segments to close the gaps.
Various business diagram templates on this sharing community are available to download and customize, including swot matrix, marketing diagram, fishbone, value stream, business forms. Present your business or startup idea inside rectangles on a world map background. The executive summary of a business. The business model canvas was created by www.businessmodelgeneration.com and distributed with a creative commons license.
Sarbatori Fericite !
Spiritul bland al Craciunului sa va aduca implinirile asteptate, iar Anul
Nou sa va bucure cu pace si prosperitate!
Multumim tuturor colaboratorilor, ...
Sarbatori Fericite !
Spiritul bland al Craciunului sa va aduca implinirile asteptate, iar Anul
Nou sa va bucure cu pace si prosperitate!
Multumim tuturor colaboratorilor, ...
The power of love
by Ionela Flood
Norway is engulfed by tears
A game of power?
extreme freedom takes it away
losing love, compassion
losing self control
making Death so cl...
I was awarded a bursary in cultural management by the Ministry of Culture, Romania, in 1999, studing in Italy, Greece, France and United Kingdom.Being resident in London since 2001, I am currently undertaking PhD research with a bursary from the Ministry of Education of Romania in the area of Project Management while developing projects for Romanians abroad.
I am a Former Director of the Mihai Eminescu Centre in Bucharest, and founded the Magazine Enigmaticul in 1999 and initiated the Mihai Eminescu Festival, The Festival of 3rd Millennium and the Sports Dance Festival.I became President of the Info Manager Association in 2001,Vice President of Liga Culturala a Romanilor in 2004 and Chair of Romanca Society in 2006, promoting the development of management, marketing and networking in Romanian’s socio- cultural activity.The latest projects that I have been involved with are in the area of culture, business and education: A Romanian Musical Adventure in partnership with the Silvestry Foundation, Art and Music Festival with Pro Patrimonio Foundation, Eco Energy Europe Project for Aardvark, QIEI 2008 with ASE and Invitation to Composers with London Schubert Players Trust in 2010.
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