Tuesday 20 October 2020

Fwd: Survey - Romanians in the UK: social, cultural and economic lives

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Mirian De França <mirian.de-franca@sorbonne-nouvelle.fr>
Date: 18 October 2020 at 17:07:21 BST
To: ionelaflood@gmail.com
Subject: Survey - Romanians in the UK: social, cultural and economic lives

Dear Ms Ionela Flood,

I found your name and email address on the website of the Embassy of Romania to the UK.

Romanians in the UK: social, cultural and economic lives is a survey conducted for academic research purposes, on an anonymous basis. This is related to an ongoing thesis dissertation that would be available mid-2021.

Would it be possible to disseminate this survey through the Romanca Society's network please? The respondents must be Romanians living in the UK by the time they answer the survey.

They could fill in the attached form and return it by email (the anonymity of all returns will be preserved), or they could fill it in the web page at: https://s.surveyplanet.com/tAujJSwfS

Thank you in advance.
Best regards,

Mirian de França

Master's Degree in International Studies
Institute of the English-speaking World
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Paris, France

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