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Tuesday, 27 October 2015
this is the solution
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Friday, 23 October 2015
REMINDER / RAPPEL: Conference on Road Transport, Lux, 11-12 Nov 2015
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Date: 23 October 2015 09:31:07 BST
Subject: REMINDER / RAPPEL: Conference on Road Transport, Lux, 11-12 Nov 2015
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Version française ci-dessous
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the Economic and Social Council of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg invite you to participate in the conferenceRoad transport:social dumping and cross-border infrastructure integrationIt will concentrate on two topics:• social dumping in the road transport sector (afternoon of 11 November)
• cross-border infrastructure problems in transport (morning of 12 November)Please consult the draft programme.We expect this to contribute to the discussion of the European Commission's road package (to be published next year), namely by presenting the recently adopted EESC opinion "Internal market of international road freight: social dumping and cabotage". We also aim to debate problems and solutions for the (still existing) problems in cross-border infrastructure. This issue is of particular importance to Luxembourg given its position as a transit country.The event will take place on the premises ofthe European Court of Auditors, 5 Rue Erasme, L-1615 Luxembourg.Simultaneous interpreting will be provided between German, English and French.Register as soon as possible following this link.Deadline: 4 November 2015Contact us if you have any questions or if you wish to comment on the EESC's opinion.Please distribute this email among your contacts.
Le Comité économique et social européen (CESE) et le Conseil économique et social du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg vous invitent à participer à la conférence sur le thèmeTransport routier:dumping social et intégration des infrastructures transfrontalièresL'accent sera mis sur les deux thèmes suivants:
• le dumping social dans le secteur du transport routier (après-midi du 11 novembre);
• les problèmes touchant les infrastructures transfrontalières (matin du 12 novembre).Veuillez consulter le projet de programme.Cette conférence devrait contribuer au débat sur le train de mesures de la Commission européenne relatif au transport routier (dont la publication est prévue l'année prochaine), notamment grâce à la présentation de l'avis récemment adopté par le CESE sur le thème "Le marché intérieur du transport routier international de marchandises: dumping social et cabotage". Nous envisageons également de débattre des problèmes et des solutions aux problèmes (persistants) touchant les infrastructures transfrontalières. Cette question revêt une importance particulière pour le Luxembourg, qui est un pays de transit.La manifestation aura lieu dans les locaux dela Cour des comptes européenne, 5 Rue Erasme, L-1615 Luxembourg.L'interprétation simultanée sera assurée depuis et vers l'allemand, l'anglais et le français.Inscrivez-vous au plus tôt via ce lien.Délai: 4 novembre 2015Nous espérons vivement vous compter parmi nous lors de cette manifestation.Veuillez nous contacter si vous avez des questions ou si vous souhaitezformuler des observations sur l'avis du CESE.Merci de bien vouloir transmettre ce message à vos contacts.
European Economic and Social CommitteeUnit for Conferences and Internal Services
Rue Belliard 99, 1040 Bruxelles
Thursday, 22 October 2015
Singin' in the Rain | In Aid of Alzheimer's Society
Singin' in the Rain – The London Oratory School – 28 till 31 October 2015
Mayhem Musical Theatre Company is causing a splash this Autumn by bringing the beloved Hollywood Musical Singin' in the Rain to The John McIntosh Arts Centre in Fulham.
Set in 1927, it tells the story, made famous by Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds in the iconic 1952 MGM movie, of the first Hollywood musical, when the silver screen found its voice and left silent movies behind.
Don Lockwood is a silent movie star with everything he could want - fame, adoration and a well-publicised 'romance' with his co-star Lina Lamont. But Hollywood is about to change forever. There is rumour of a new kind of film, where the actors actually talk…and sing...and dance. Can Don and the uniquely voiced Lina make the transition or will chorus girl Kathy Selden fulfil her dream of stardom and capture Don's heart along the way?
Ticket booking is available through our box office on 07939 144610 as well as online at . Concession rate tickets are priced at £13 with one ticket free for every 10 bought and free tickets for carers. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any further questions on the box office number. Advance booking is very much advised as previous performances sold out well in advance of the event.
We look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you at our splash hit in October!
With kind regards
Sophie Barthel
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Wednesday, 21 October 2015
nvitation - Cedefop, Eurofound & EESC seminar on Work organisation and workplace learning (Brussels, 19.11.2015)
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From: "European Economic and Social Committee (SOC)" <>
Date: 16 October 2015 11:18:24 BST
Subject: Invitation - Cedefop, Eurofound & EESC seminar on Work organisation and workplace learning (Brussels, 19.11.2015)
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Version française ci-dessous
SEMINAR - 19 November 2015 - BrusselsWork organisation and workplace learning: Creating a win-win environmentSeminar organised jointly by Cedefop, Eurofound and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
On 19 November 2015, Cedefop, Eurofound and the EESC are organising a joint event in Brussels entitled: Work organisation and workplace learning: Creating a win-win environment which we are very pleased to invite you to attend.The half-day seminar will be an opportunity to present the two EU agencies' recent findings and initiatives on work organisation and workplace learning, including the results of Eurofound's Third European Company Survey and Cedefop's European Skills and Jobs Survey. It will bring together policymakers, academics, practitioners and representatives from national authorities, European institutions, enterprises and trade unions to explore and debate work organisation and skill development practices that benefit both employers and employees.The event is also a chance to mark the 40 year anniversary of Cedefop and Eurofound - the two longest established EU agencies - and to recognise the EESC's strong tripartite role in EU policymaking. Both agencies are tripartite organisations with a governing structure of employers, trade unions and governments. Keynote speakers will include: Nicolas Schmit, President of the Council of EU Employment Ministers, and Gonçalo Lobo Xavier, Vice‑President, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).If you have any questions regarding this event please contact Ana Dumitrache by e‑mail ( or by telephone (+32 (0)2 546.81.31).The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) supports the development of European vocational education and training (VET) policies and contributes to their implementation. The role of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) is to provide knowledge in the area of social and work-related policies. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is a consultative body of the European Union. For more information please go to the following links:, and find the agenda here.You can register for the conference here.
Venue: EESC, Room JDE 62, Rue Belliard, 99, 1040 BrusselsThursday 19 November 2015: 2.30 – 5.30 p.m.
SÉMINAIRE - 19 novembre 2015 - BruxellesL'organisation du travail et l'apprentissage
sur le lieu de travail: créer un environnement gagnant‑gagnant pour tousSéminaire organisé conjointement par Cedefop, Eurofound et
le Comité économique et social européen (CESE)
Le 19 novembre 2015, le Cedefop, Eurofound et le CESE organisent une manifestation conjointe à Bruxelles sur le thème «Organisation du travail et apprentissage sur le lieu de travail: créer un environnement gagnant-gagnant pour tous», à laquelle nous avons le plaisir de vous convier.Ce séminaire d'une demi-journée sera l'occasion de présenter les conclusions et les initiatives récentes des deux agences de l'UE en matière d'organisation du travail et d'apprentissage sur le lieu de travail, ainsi que les résultats de la Troisième enquête d'Eurofound sur les entreprises en Europe et de l'enquête du Cedefop sur les compétences et l'emploi en Europe. Cette manifestation rassemblera des responsables politiques, universitaires, professionnels de terrain et représentants des autorités nationales, des institutions européennes, des entreprises et des syndicats pour un examen et un débat concernant les pratiques en matière d'organisation du travail et de développement des compétences qui sont bénéfiques tant aux employeurs qu'aux salariés.Cette manifestation est également l'occasion de célébrer le 40e anniversaire du Cedefop et d'Eurofound, les deux plus anciennes agences de l'UE, et de reconnaître le rôle tripartite important qu'exerce le CESE dans l'élaboration des politiques de l'UE. Les deux agences sont des organisations tripartites, dont la structure organisationnelle associe employeurs, syndicats et pouvoirs publics. Parmi les principaux intervenants figureront M. Nicolas Schmit, président du Conseil des ministres de l'emploi de l'UE, et M. Gonçalo Lobo Xavier, vice-président du Comité économique et social européen (CESE).Pour toute question concernant cette manifestation, veuillez contacter Mme Ana Dumitrache par courrier électronique ( ou par téléphone (+32 (0)2 546.81.31).Le Centre européen pour le développement de la formation professionnelle (Cedefop) soutient le développement de politiques européennes d'enseignement et de formation professionnels (EFP) et contribue à leur mise en œuvre. Le rôle de la Fondation européenne pour l'amélioration des conditions de vie et de travail (Eurofound) est de diffuser des connaissances dans le domaine des politiques liées aux questions sociales et au travail. Le Comité économique et social européen (CESE) est un organe consultatif de l'Union européenne. Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter les liens suivants:, et vous inscrire à la conférence, cliquez ici.
Lieu: CESE, salle JDE 62, rue Belliard, 99, 1040 BruxellesJeudi 19 novembre 2015: 14h30 – 17h30
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A Romanian Docuhistory at UCL SSEES’ Centenary Film Festival | Wed 21 Oct & Tue 8 Dec, free
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Date: 20 October 2015 10:23:20 BST
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Subject: A Romanian Docuhistory at UCL SSEES' Centenary Film Festival | Wed 21 Oct & Tue 8 Dec, free
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A Romanian Docuhistory at UCL SSEES' Centenary Film Festival | Wed 21 Oct & Tue 8 Dec, free
A Romanian Docuhistory at UCL SSEES' Centenary Film Festival
Part of the renowned University College London, The School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) is celebrating 100 years as academic gateway to the East European cultures and societies, through a series of cultural events. Among various festivities, the centennial celebratory agenda also includes a Season of Films made within the cultures represented in the venerable School. The SSEES Centenary Film Festival is supported by the British Film Institute along with various embassies and cultural institutes, including the Romanian Cultural Institute in London.
Romanian SSEES Centenary Film Festival Screenings:
Wednesday 21 October
Sahia Vintage I: Documentar, ideologie, viaţă 1956-1990 (Documentaries, Ideology, Life, 1956-1990)
Two separately bookable sessions starting at 4pm & 6.30pm.Wednesday 21 October at 4pm (Free Tickets)
Alexandru Sîrbu, 'Reportaj de la Steagul Roşu' (Report from the Red Flag, 1956)
Alexandru Boiangiu, 'Cazul D' (Case D, 1966)
Titus Mesaroş, 'Scrisoare din Oraşul Nou' (Letter from the New Town, 1978)
Wednesday 21 October at 6.30pm (Free Tickets)
Paula and Doru Segall, 'Pentru strănepoţi, încă ceva despre Bucureşti…' (For our Heirs: More Stories about Bucharest…, 1980)
Adrian Sârbu, 'Aflaţi despre mine…' (I for One Am Alive and Well, 1982)
Laurenţiu Damian, 'Pe unde-am fost şi-am colindat' (The Roads I Have Wandered, 1982)
Ovidiu Bose Paştina, 'Oameni care povestesc' (People Telling Stories, 1983)
Copel Moscu, 'Va veni o zi' (There Will Come a Day, 1985/1990)
Guest speaker: Adina Brădeanu, School of Media Arts and Design, University of Westminster
Tuesday 8 December at 6.30pm (Free Tickets)
Cristian Mungiu, '4 luni, 3 săptămâni și 2 zile' (4 months, 3 weeks, and 2 days, 2007)
Guest speaker: Dominique Nasta, Professor of Film Studies, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
In Romanian with English subtitles.
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You're invited to Transylvania in Transition (17 Nov 2015)
Transylvania in Transition
You are invited to the following event:![]()
Event to be held at the following time, date and location:
Tuesday, 17 November 2015 from 18:30 to 21:00 (GMT)
Romanian Cultural Institute
1 Belgrave Square
SW1X 8PH London
United Kingdom
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A DEBATE: 'Can what remains of the Saxon communities be preserved as treasured relics in the 21st Century?'
The sustainability of what remains of the Saxon villages' way of life is questionable in today's world as the communities are increasingly exposed to "modernisation". Can the ancient and modern co-exist with mutual benefits? Is it possible to preserve these villages and traditions not only for the sake of beauty, but also as an added economic resource to the already hard working families that live there? Or is this just poverty tourism in disguise?
Join us to debate these and other questions with our panel of champions of Transylvania, chaired by artist Tim Scott Bolton.
Tim Scott Bolton – chairing the panel, an artist who leads painting trips to Transylvania, India and the Himalayas, and is working on his forthcoming book, A Brush with Brown, capturing Capability Brown landscapes through an artist's eye. Blacker – celebrated author of Along the Enchanted Way and Chairman of the Anglo Romanian Trust for Traditional Architecture.
Dr. John Akeroyd - renowned botanist and expert on the wildflower meadows of Transylvania.
Nat Page – Director of Fundatia ADEPT, an NGO working to conserve Romania's high nature value farmed landscapes, and to support the small-scale farming communities that created them.
Rosemary Barron – food writer, journalist and author of Transylvania: A Modern Food Story.
Oli Broom – travel writer and Director of The Slow Cyclist, a travel company that leads small groups through the Saxon villages of Transylvania.
The debate coincides with TRANSYLVANIA IN TRANSITION: THE VANISHING VILLAGES OF SAXON ROMANIA,' an exhibition of photographs by Simon Brown
Exhibition viewing 6.30pm-7.15pm
Discussion 7.15pm-8.45pmTickets are £10 and must be bought in advance at EVENTBRITE LINK.
All proceeds will go towards the development of an app to identify wildflowers in Transylvanian meadows.
Complimentary drinks & nibbles before & after the discussion
Global Heritage Fund UK and its partner charities, the Anglo Romanian Trust for Traditional Architecture and its Romanian arm, Asociatia Monumentum, are working to save these villages before time and progress destroys the unique cultural make-up and way of life for those living there. The work incorporates not only the conservation and restoration of the historic buildings, but also economic development and sustainability plans for the local area. Global Heritage Fund UK's mission is to preserve and protect humankind's most important archaeological and cultural heritage sites. The aim is to transform them into economic generators for the people who live around them in a sustainable way. BROWN & THE PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION
Simon Brown is a photographer of interiors, people & still life who, with over 30 years of experience, continues to contribute to the world's leading magazines and publications. Exhibition work is represented by the Benrubi Gallery, New York and Michael Hoppen Gallery, London. In collaboration with the Global Heritage Fund UK, he set out to document the fragile beauty of the Saxon Villages of Transylvania, a rural area surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains of Romania.
EXHIBITION OPENING TIMES: Weekdays: 9am-5pm, 18th – 27th November 2015 - entrance free.THE SLOW CYCLIST
The Slow Cyclist was founded in 2014 by British travel writer Oli Broom and takes small groups of travellers on incredible bicycle journeys though Transylvania and Rwanda to discover the cuisine, history, customs and people that make them both so special. It organizes fundraising cycle tours in Transylvania for Global Heritage Fund UK.
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