Tuesday 4 November 2014

Study visit to Romania October 2014 - Bucharest Day 2

First day of the study visit in Romania of the delegation of NHHG offered general views of Bucharest Town Hall about the strategies used in Social Services presented  by  Cosmina Simean ,Director of Social Services Bucharest City Hall , giving to the guests a taster of the next stage of the visit: Palace of Parliament of Romania and   Sector 2 Bucharest City Hall.

The visit at Romanian Parliament confirmed once again the quality of skills of Romanian builders, contrasting with the need of balance in society development ,at the time that it  was built , remaining testimony for future generations to learn from history.

Sector 2 Bucharest City Hall was a welcoming surprise of the team of the Mayor Neculai Ontanu, offering a dynamic debate about social housing models in both countries. All the participants agreed to cooperate in the future and share experiences and understanding for future development . The debate was facilitated with generosity by Director of International Relationships, Mariana Georgescu and her colleagues .

The visits to the Leisure Centre  St Pantelimon,  was by far a success story of good management and fundraising, offering free access to the residents of the sector to a structured choice of activities, for all ages, being presented with professionalism  by Dr Isabela Hurjui, Director of Social Services Sector2. 

Kate Davies the Chief Executive at NHHG was touched by the progress and quality of services offered by local authority  to Bucharest residents, comparing with her last visit in Romania a decade ago.

To add a traditional  element to the tour  we agree to have lunch at  Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum in Bucharest  . The guests understand  that  they need to have at least a day to visit all 300 houses of the museum, encapsulating the history of Romanian traditional architecture.

A friendly dinner with Ioan de Hondol from Romanian Leagues of Expats concluded a rich learning and cultural experience in Bucharest.

Dr Ionela Flood
Romanca Society

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