Wednesday 19 March 2014

Fwd: Unison Housing Association Branch AGM 2014

The AGM @  UNISON HA Branch on 18 March 2014  was a powerful and dinamic overview for the last year activity, budget and achievements as well for the next year plans.
The event was well attended and I may say generate debates for all items icluded in the agenda.
I was happy to highlight the activity as Equality Officer for Women and to stand up again for this position on the Executive Commitee for 2014.
My report encapsulated mostly my contribution to different conferenceces that I was happy to attend and workplace initiatives that have been involved with in 2013. Hard work but get the satisfaction of  good results.
Last year up dates of my blog was encountered some technical dificulties so I highlighted bellow my journey as Equality Officer for Women in UNISON HS Branch in 2013.
I hope to be able to sent you regular update on this subject as I miss my interaction with you all .
Ionela  Flood

Community Service Group @ Women Conference

14-15 February  2013

Attending the community service meeting raise the profile of the Comunity voluntary Sector across the country. The Manchester region regional service representative are charing the meeting by Mrs Brown.

 The overview of the development of this particular branch on the last 3 years is focusing on the north west region experience. To address the community issues by Unison organising a dedicated branch is the best way to have the members voices heard and expressed.


My intervention point out that the community is big part of civil society and have a massive role to keep the balance of the power between the government , business and the civil society.  Who drive the development of community, to make it equal accessible and sustainable for our children?


I meet other representative as Community & voluntary service London called Charlotte Gage , women officer on the London Community &voluntary branch. 

The speech of Francis the TUC director is so inspirational and give an overview of the Unison women activist & feminist . I enjoy the conference as is more clear motions and debate that are dear to my heart.



A short feedback on the Labour Link workshop

The debate highlighted the importance of the involvement in politics and top jobs, changing the culture of organisations and culture of politics. The participants expose the erosion of the life quality of the nation  by the current measures that the government is imposing on all of us.  How we stand and resist to these massive consequences of this measures.  How we can resist if we don't take part in this decisions making process.  Is a need to embrace the campaigns that give back the women the dignity.


Epicentre of the Labour Party policy is that women voices are to be heard in all the issues that affect they're daily life.

 The importance of European union regeneration funds is highlighted as tool for the development in many areas of UK . Crucial approach for future election is to be supported by women involvement.


Your Britain website is an interactive debate to influence the policies of Labour .  This is the point to start the fight for better justice, education, health services and quality of life for people in UK .

 The discussions from the floor describe cases of people that struggle with poverty and anxiety for the changes that start to affect people by cuts in council funds, losing benefits and losing jobs.


Encouraging the women to get involved in Labour and get the message there that is seem like is need a mechanisms to monitor Parties to keep to their promises.

 The women voice need to get a way to be heard and assumed by Labour Party. Our biggest enemy is apathy and the involvement in the European election as the EU decision will effect every day of everyone in UK. Is a range of people that cannot see their rights addressed at the EU level as young people, disable, women and need to be addressed .

 The commitment to stand up to the erosion of the terrible policies of the Tory Party need to be seen in Labour Party work.


The way of the Tory amateur tackle of care system  and young people education is making a serious impact on this generations life.  The way to go is to get involved and make sure the measure will be in place.

 Women wish to have a party to stand up and address this issues.

 Equality impacts in all the measures imposed by the current government are not done at all , and the influence in local community and daily life is not accounted. Ideas of measure ready to go : an audit in child care , young feminist encouragement , a a strong narrative lobby for UK  . This are  good grounds for the Labour Party to act on.

 The invite to organise and address these issues  are open to all Unison women that want to get engaged in this work.


We can't afford to lose the next election so women come on board and help the work to be done.


Make all our story going across and our voice heard , getting involved is the next step to take.


Ionela Flood

Community Service Group @ Women Conference 2013



UNISON Community Conference 15 March 2013


Joe Irvin Chief Executive NAVCA speaks at UNISON Community Conference 2013 by Ionela Flood posted in John Gray blog

Guest Post by Ionela Flood UNISON London Region Community Service Group rep (and member of my branch) on Joe Irvin's speech to our conference in Manchester on Saturday.

Joe is the Chief Executive of NAVCA (National Association for Voluntary and Community Action)

"The current climate in the voluntary sector is affecting the sector by public sector cuts and resulting poverty.

Contracts and grants from local authorities are decreasing by 20% in 2011-2012.

Working together with UNISON is beneficial in order to use public law to challenge cuts; to exchange information and campaign for voluntary community services.

Working together we can join forces to address the Social Value Act and be a strong voice for children living in poverty, shelter for the homeless and practical help with pension regulation and accrediting to the Living Wage.

More joint work can be done by campaigning for the independence of the community sector and be able to advocate and be the voice of people living in the community, building the partnerships necessary to change society.

The services that protect children, environment and social care are the statutory duties of local government . Research by the NAVCA shows that the money available to other service are decreasing and will have a dramatic downward trend in the future. Now is the time to campaign together with UNISON and the voluntary sector to achieve positive social change.

We must learn to avoid constraints in the workplace, learn to exchange information and support both sectors in legal challenges and campaigning that can be used effectively and get the results we both want".

Ionela Flood

Community Service Group @ Community Conference 15 March 2013


Workshops initiated at NHHG for women advice, recruiting and general advice- November 2013

The idea to have a Women Forum was at the core of the initiative that originally was aiming at women issues at NHHG. After incorporating all colleagues suggestions we manage to organise 3 events in the main head offices at NHHG during November 2013. The sessions were well attended and supported by NHHG with refreshments and hand massage sessions.

The events results shows:

           growing  of  the new members recruitment,

           raise awareness about Unison,

           give support of members issues and

           enrol new members


Thinks to be included in future events  have been suggested:

           feedback forms,

           visitors  list and

           UNISON rep list at NHHG as members need to know who they may contact if they need.


The feedback was very positive about all of the meetings:

           the idea was circulated to have one similar event per month and rotate them in the 3 offices, so will have 12 events in the 2014, that is already set up by Ashley Hassell.

           Victoria Olisa planning to deliver 10 similar sessions in 2014 at Extracare schemes was much appreciated and is under planning first one being planned on 25 March 2014

           Victoria agree to prepare a planning timeframe for future steward meetings during 2014, that is under planning and implementation.

I would like to thanks to all colleagues for the support and involvement in all the activities we organise with UNISON at NHHG or in the branch,

Ionela Flood for UNISON HA Branch AGM 2014


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