Sunday 22 July 2012

The Project ‘Metaphor in Action’ organised by Romanca Society , 20-27 July , LONDON 2012

Romanca Society

The Project 'Metaphor in Action'


The project 'Metaphor in Action' is a National Agency Youth in Action Project led by the Romanca Society and funded by the European Union and supported by the British Council.

The Romanca Society is a non- profit and non- governmental organisation established in June 2005 for Romanian people who live and work in London. It has chosen London for the project due to its unique location as a world city, cultural and artistic diversity.

The Training course will take place in West London between 20 and 27 July 2012.

The main goal of the training is for participants to improve creativity, increase knowledge , to learn inter -cultural working methods , to share experiences and to use it for social integration as a tool for educational and non-formal teaching with all age groups in their respective countries. The participants will be from Spain, UK, Latvia, Lithuania, Croatia, Bulgaria,Germany, Romania, France, Palestine and Turkey.

Please see more details on and our facebook group The Metaphor in Action group.

For more details please contact the Project manager Ariadna Petri on 00447438194411 and email

The Metaphore in action is supported by Asociatia Info Manager, Radio Tv Unirea, Ro Madrid Cultural Club, Elgin Close Resource Centre, Wimbledon Art Studio, University of Oxford, Asturian Foundation and Cercul Cultural Romano-Austriac "Unirea".

Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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