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- Colindul Crinului, poezie din volumul Parfumul Ingerilor de Ionela Flood ,interpretat de Corneliu Pavel
- Circulo Poetico RefleXos condus de Ariadna Petri prezinta Tarmurile iubirii de Ionela Flood cu ilustratii de Ioan Astalus, Adina Romanescu si Adela Ursache la Espacio Niram , Madrid
- "Tarmurile iubirii "Book ilustration by Ioan Astalus, Adela Ursache and Adina Romanescu - Musical illustration by Corneliu Pavel for "Ţărmurile iubirii "
- Presenting the book "Tarmurile iubirii" by Ionela Flood at Pro Diaspora Magazin launch , 17 January 2010, London
Cartile mele
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Sarbatori Fericite ! - Spiritul bland al Craciunului sa va aduca implinirile asteptate, iar Anul Nou sa va bucure cu pace si prosperitate! Multumim tuturor colaboratorilor, ...13 years ago
The power of love - by Ionela Flood Norway is engulfed by tears A game of power? extreme freedom takes it away losing love, compassion losing self control making Death so cl...13 years ago
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- Participare la Conferinta Regionala UNISON pentru Autoritati Locale din Marea Britanie-I
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- Boxerii lui Nicu Brinzei
- Se cauta solutii pentru romanii de etnie rroma din Belfast
- Platforma de media referitoare la atacurile xenofobe din Belfast
- Presentation at House of Commons London
- E-petition response for Romanians right to work in UK, from 10 Downing Street, January 2009
- Petition to Prime Minister Gordon Brown for the Romanians right to work In UK, October 2008
- React Group
- Living transnationally debate at House of Common , London, February 2009
- Free movement of Romanian workers in the UK after 1 January 2007, Open letter to Prime Minister Tony Blair, October 2006
- Proiect de lege -privind românitatea şi legăturile românilor de pretutindeni cu România
- Integrarea Romanilor in Marea Britanie intre practica si reglemantari legale
- Tabere pentru copii romanilor din Marea Britanie
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- Societatea Romanca
- Societatea Romanca din Londra, invitata la House of Commons
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- La multi ani europeni dragi romani, oriunde v-ati afla!
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- Training Project Romanca
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- Under the blue sky exhibition
- The Icon: the Life-giving Water of the Romanian Orthodoxy
- Fulg de nea , zimbet de copil
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- Liga culturala pentru unitatea romanilor de pretutindeni
- Societatea Romanca
Blog Archive
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- http://fundatiasturian.blogspot.com
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- Colind de Ionela Flood in interpretarea lui Corneliu Pavel, volumul de poezii parfumul ingerilor
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About Me
- Ionela Flood
- London, England, United Kingdom
- I was awarded a bursary in cultural management by the Ministry of Culture, Romania, in 1999, studing in Italy, Greece, France and United Kingdom.Being resident in London since 2001, I am currently undertaking PhD research with a bursary from the Ministry of Education of Romania in the area of Project Management while developing projects for Romanians abroad. I am a Former Director of the Mihai Eminescu Centre in Bucharest, and founded the Magazine Enigmaticul in 1999 and initiated the Mihai Eminescu Festival, The Festival of 3rd Millennium and the Sports Dance Festival.I became President of the Info Manager Association in 2001,Vice President of Liga Culturala a Romanilor in 2004 and Chair of Romanca Society in 2006, promoting the development of management, marketing and networking in Romanian’s socio- cultural activity.The latest projects that I have been involved with are in the area of culture, business and education: A Romanian Musical Adventure in partnership with the Silvestry Foundation, Art and Music Festival with Pro Patrimonio Foundation, Eco Energy Europe Project for Aardvark, QIEI 2008 with ASE and Invitation to Composers with London Schubert Players Trust in 2010.
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Copyright ©2009, Ionela Flood. All rights are reserved. Permission to republish in print or online by mentioning the source. Contact: ionela@talktalk.net