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"Lanţul cu chei mi-a căzut din stele în creier, mi-au zornăit minţile de durere şi de sunet. Trupul meu tot deveni o cheie de fier, Doamne, pentru o uşă uriaşă la al cărei lacăt nu am cum să ajung, decât numai dacă mă ridici în braţe. Haide, cât eşti de mare, tu, haide, cât eşti tu de indiferent, răsuceşte-mă şi rupe-mă şi deschide odată uşa aia! Haide, deschide-o odată!" Cheile-Nichita Stanescu
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Globalization and environment
Environmental management
Integrated management systems
Environmental performance assessment
Environmental policies and strategies
Green taxes
Voluntary environmental initiatives
Climate policies
Green public procurement
Environmental compliance of SMEs
Green investment management
Corporate social responsibility
Environmental audit
Industrial ecosystems
Green economy
Sustainable development
Renewable energy
Organic agriculture
Carbon footprint
Green supply chain
Recyclable/recycled material flows
Environmental leadership
Înscrierea la conferinţă se face prin trimiterea lucrării in extenso la adresa
În mesajul transmis pentru înscriere, vă rugăm să precizaţi numele întreg, afilierea şi adresele de email ale autorilor, indicând autorul de contact.
Instrucţiuni privind redactarea
Termene importante
Globalizarea şi mediul
Managementul mediului
Sisteme de management integrat
Evaluarea performanţelor de mediu
Politici şi strategii de mediu
Taxe verzi
Iniţiative voluntare de mediu
Politici climatice
Achiziţii publice verzi
Conformitatea de mediu a IMM-urilor
Managementul investiţiilor verzi
Responsabilitate socială corporatistă
Audit de mediu
Ecosisteme industriale
Economia verde
Dezvoltare durabilă
Energie regenerabilă
Agricultură ecologică
Amprenta de carbon
Filiere verzi
Fluxuri de materiale reciclabile/reciclate
Leadership de mediu
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International Conference New Perspective for Science Education
Florence, Italy
8 – 9 March 2012
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CALL FOR PAPERS Dear Ionela Flood, please apologise me for the wrong name in the previous message. We would like to inform you about the “New Perspective for Science Education” International Conference which will take place in Florence, (Italy), on 8 – 9 March 2012. The objective of the conference is to promote the sharing of good practice and transnational cooperation in the field of innovation for Science Education. The conference is also an excellent opportunity for the presentation of previous and current projects in the field of science. The Call for Papers is addressed to science teachers and experts as well as to coordinators of science projects and initiatives. We would like to encourage you to submit an abstract of a paper to present during the conference. The abstract should be written in English (300 words) and sent via e-mail to no later than 14 November 2011. Important dates - 14 November 2011: Deadline for submitting abstracts - 9 December 2011: Notification of Acceptance / Rejection - 9 January 2012: Deadline for final submission of papers - 9 January 2012: Deadline for speakers’ registration - 8 – 9 March 2012: Dates of conference At the New Perspective for Science Education Conference there will be three presentation modalities: Oral and poster presentations (in-person) and virtual (for those who cannot attend in person) An ISBN publication will be produced with all the papers that will be presented during the conference. The conference also offer the opportunity to participate as an exhibitor or sponsor. For further information about the exhibiting/sponsorship possibilities please check If possible, we kindly ask you to spread the information through your network and/or publish the news on your web site. For further information about the New Perspective for Science Education Conference, please contact us at the following address: or visit the conference website: We look forward to welcoming you to Florence in March 2012. Kind regards, Lorenzo Martellini Conference Manager |
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Pixel Via Luigi Lanzi, 12 Florence, Firenze 50134 IT Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy. | |
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Dear Member,
This is a reminder that one of the UK's most celebrated poets will be holding an exclusive reading for Poet in the City on National Poetry Day this Thursday, at Waterstone's in Piccadilly.
As part of National Poetry Day's main theme of Games, Wendy Cope, patron of Poet in the City, will be exploring the nature of the Games People Play. Expect a wonderful evening of insights, humour and humanity from this acclaimed and treasured National poet.
The poetry reading itself starts at 7pm
Tickets cost £9.50 and are available from Waterstone's, in person, on the phone 020 7851 2419 or by emailing
Waterstone's Piccadilly is located here: Map
We look forward to seeing you at this very special National Poetry Day event, a must for Poetry fans everywhere!
Please see below for details of another event you may be interested in.
best wishes
Gabby Meadows
Programme Manager
Poet in the City
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Another special event that may be of interest...
Power. Who has it, who wants it, who tries to take it from you? The poets know. What Are They Whispering? is a poetry show to nudge you or urge you to weigh up the balance of power in your own life. The dynamic trio of poets whose work will charge you up is Imtiaz Dharker, Joe Dunthorne and John Stammers. They perform their poems about power in both its rawest and most subtle states. Poems and ideas are enhanced and amplified with lighting and sound; every spoken word special effect from a whisper to a chorus, every lighting state from a firefly glimmer to a thunderbolt.
'Awe-inspiring!' (audience member in Taunton, where this tour began)
'Ground-breaking!' (audience member in Exeter)
Presented by Jaybird, the company that produced You Are Here at Kings Place in 2010 with Colette Bryce, Daljit Nagra and Jo Shapcott.
Monday 31st October, 6.30 for 7pm start
Hall One, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London, N1 9AG
Tickets: 020 7520 1490
Prices: £9.50 booked online / £11.50 by other methods