Seminar on Olivier Messiaen's Quatuor pour la fin du Temps

Seminar on Olivier Messiaen's Quatuor pour la fin du Temps
You are cordially invited to the official launch of Invitation to Composers. A ground-breaking international project for the European Commission.
Wednesday 31 March 2010, 1:30-9:30pm
The David Josefowitz Recital Hall, Royal Academy of Music, Marylebone Road, London NW1 5HT
The event includes the press launch for the project, four workshops, composers’ forum and a concert.
Invitation to Composers is a unique, two-year project, funded by the European Cultural Fund, that encourages modern-day composers to write new works, inspired by celebrated musical ideas of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries and enhanced by cultural elements from the composers’ own indigenous heritage.
The official launch for the project will take place in the presence of HE Dr . Ion Jinga, Ambassador of Romania in Great Britain, and will be followed by workshops with four chosen composers who will explore their works with the audience, with musical illustrations provided by the London Schubert Players. A composers’ forum will be followed by a concert where all the new works will be receiving their World Premières.
With the participation of the London Schubert Players
Presenter and Project Director: pianist Anda Anastasescu
The event will be presided over by Philip Cashian DMus, BMus, Hon ARAM, Head of Composition for the Royal Academy of Music.
Workshops and composers’ forum are FREE
Concert – £10.00 on the door (concessions – £8, students free)
1:30 - 2:00pm Press Launch
Opened with Danse and Improvisation for Solo Double Bass by Michael Cretu.
2:00 - 4:00pm Workshops
With composers Roberto Brisotto (Italy), Bjørn Bolstad Skjelbred (Norway), Carmen Maria Cârneci (Romania) and Salvador Torre (Mexico)
5:00 - 6:00pm Composers’ Forum
7:00 - 9:00pm Concert
9:00 - 9:30pm Questions and evaluation
There will be two, one-hour intervals at 4:00 and 6:00pm
The concert will be performed by the London Schubert Players
Piano Anda Anastasescu
Violin Elenor Parry-Griffiths and Ricardo Zwietisch
Clarinet Helen Pierce
Cello Sebastian Millett
Guest pianists Alberto Portugheis and Katerina Assimis
Concert Programme Les Enfants du Paradis
Messiaen (1908 – 1992) Quatuor pour la fin du Temps
Bjørn Bolstad Skjelbred (1970 - ) Crystals
Roberto Brisotto (1972 - ) Evocations Rituelles
Carmen Maria Cârneci (1958 - ) Quatuor pour Marguerite
Salvador Torre (1956 - ) Clouds. Homage to Messiaen
The Invitation to Composers events are musical journeys that combine performance with music analysis and give audiences the chance of interacting closely with the dialogue between composers and performers. They present a stimulating and informal opportunity to meet, work together and discuss ideas, aesthetics and experiences.
More about the composers
Bjørn Bolstad Skjelbred (1970 –):
Finished his Masters in Composition at the Norwegian State Academy in Oslo in 2006. He is active as a composer and engages in several genres of music and musical environments such as: stage productions, music for young people and music supporting other art forms.
Roberto Brisotto (1972 –):
Is the organist of Cappella Civica della Cattedrale di San Giusto in Trieste, Italy. He graduated in composition from the Pollini Conservatoire in Padua and is studying conducting and vocal composition at the Tartini Conservatoire in Trieste. He received national awards in composition, conducting and organ performance.
Carmen Maria Cârneci (1958 –):
Appeared as composer and conductor in several festivals of new music and is a regular guest conductor at the Stuttgart State Opera. As a composer she received important awards in Mannheim, Rome, Köln, Bucharest and Hong Kong, and commissions from The State Opera in Bonn. Her works are published by Ricordi-München and Furore-Edition-Kassel.
Salvador Torre (1956 –):
Graduated from the National Music Conservatoire in Mexico City in composition, flute and chamber music. He studied in Paris on a scholarship from the French Government and completed his doctorate at the Sorbonne. He received a First Prize in Composition and Flute, and a diploma in Electro-acoustic music. He represented Mexico at the UNESCO International Rostrum of Composers in Amsterdam and at the well known festival World Music Days in Japan.
Concert Programme Details
Messiaen (1908 – 1992) Quatuor pour la fin du Temps
Liturgie de cristal
Vocalise, pour l’Ange qui annonce la fin du Temps
Abîme des oiseaux
Louange à l’Eternité de Jésus
Danse de la fureur, pour les sept trompettes
Fouillis d’arcs-en-ciel, pour l’Ange qui annonce la fin du Temps
Louange à l’Immortalité de Jésus
Bjørn Bolstad Skjelbred (1970 - ) Crystals
Le Cristal de la Nuit – à Olivier Messiaen
The Pollock Web 1
Colour on Colour - à Mark Rothko
Asymmetric Interlude – à Gyorgy Ligeti
The Pollock Web II
Dans l’Ombre du Gibet – à Maurice Ravel
Roberto Brisotto (1972 - ) Evocations Rituelles
Dance sacrificatoire pour l’Esprit de la Terre
Dance propitiatoire pour l’Esprit de l’Eau
Dance orgiastique pour l’Esprit du Feu
Hymne d’Adoration à l’Esprit du Ciel
Carmen Maria Cârneci (1958 - ) Quatuor pour Marguerite
Salvador Torre (1956 - ) Clouds. Homage to Messiaen*
Introduction: Cumulus 1
Infinity Drops
Limited Transposition Cloud
Transition: Cumulus 2
Brownian Cloud
Gershwin Tornado
Debussy ‘Claude’
*Clouds was awarded the first Constantin Silvestri Composition Prize in 2009
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Seminar on Olivier Messiaen's Quatuor pour la fin du Temps
Sunday 28th March 2010, 5.30 - 7.30pm
London Schubert Players Studio, 72 Warwick Gardens, LONDON W14 8PP
The event includes analysis and performance of Messiaen's unusual Quatuor pour la fin du Temps and is followed by a cheese and wine reception.
Tickets £15 (students free)
Places are limited and advance booking/reservation essential. Please send cheques made out to London Schubert Players Trust to the above address.
The Invitation to Composers seminars are musical journeys that combine performance with music analysis and give audiences the chance of interacting closely with the dialogue between composers and performers. They present a stimulating and informal opportunity to meet, work together and discuss ideas, aesthetics and experiences.
Ionela Flood, Project Consultant
Invitaţie pentru compozitori
La 31 martie 2010, între orele 13.30 - 21.00, în prezenţa Ambasadorului României, Dr. Ion Jinga, fundaţia London Schubert Players, Institutul Cultural Român - Paris şi asociaţia Info Manager din Bucureşti organizează lansarea proiectului susţinut de Comisia Europeană, Invitaţie pentru compozitori (
13.30 – 14.00 Conferinţă de presă
în deschidere Dans şi improvizaţie pentru contrabas în interpretarea compozitorului Michael Cretu.
14.00 – 16.00 Ateliere de creaţie
în interpretarea compozitorilor Carmen Maria Cârneci (România), Roberto Brisotto (Italia), Bjørn Bolstad Skjelbred (Norvergia) şi Salvador Torre (Mexic).
17.00 – 18.00 Forumul compozitorilor
19.00 – 19.10 Cuvânt de deschidere al ES Dr. Ion Jinga, Ambasadorul României.
19.10 – 21.00 Concert susţinut de cvartetul de clarinete London Schubert Players ( ) cu Anda Anastasescu, pianist şi director artistic şi invitaţii acesteia.
Adresa: David Josefowitz Recital Hall, Royal Academy of Music London, Marylebone Road, LONDON NW1 5HT
Mai multe informaţii:

Ionela Flood, Consultant Proiect