The CD launch ‘Constantin Silvestri- A Bournemouth Love Affair’, London 2009

On 19th October 2009 the new independent record company Romanian Musical Adventure (RMA) has released a double CD set of digitally re-mastered, unique BBC recordings of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra under the baton of legendary Romanian conductor and composer Constantin Silvestri, to commemorate his death in London 40 years ago. This is the first RMA project and the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra is the only British orchestra that has ever recorded works by George Enescu.
‘Constantin Silvestri - A Bournemouth Love Affair’
The double CD contains major works by George Enescu (Symphony No. 1 and Orchestral Suites Nos. 1 and 2) conducted by Silvestri with the Bournemouth Symphony and a unique gem, Silvestri conducting his own work, Three Pieces for Strings. The discs also contain The Magic Flute Overture and Symphony No. 29 by Mozart, Slavonic Dances by Dvorak and Symphony No. 1 by Prokofiev.
The new record label – the RMA - is the brainchild of Romanian-born concert pianist, Anda Anastasescu who wants to promote worldwide Romanian composers.
‘When I produced the first-ever London festival celebrating Romanian composers in 2005, I discovered an extraordinary wealth of compositions that are virtually unknown outside of Romania and rarely performed. I decided to set up the RMA to bring these outstanding works to the wider world. The fact that we have these recordings at all is a miracle. Recorded by the BBC in the 1960s the original masters were lost. What we are presenting on CD today are Silvestri’s personal copies he himself made from various BBC Radio broadcasts over the years’.
This Double CD is a special gift to Romania and Romanian people, and pays homage to two giants in the history of Romanian Classical Music. The CD set can be bought online at http://www.romanianmusicaladventure.org/
Notes to editors:
The RMA is a newly established, independent classical record label set up to record outstanding works by Romanian composers, new and lesser-known repertoire and well-known repertoire interpreted in a new light.
Constantin Silvestri was Principal Conductor of the Bucharest Philharmonic Orchestra, the National Radio Symphony Orchestra and of the Romanian National Opera. He left Romania in 1958 and in 1961 became Principal Conductor of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. During the following eight years the orchestra won its fame and Silvestri’s reputation (he has been compared to Von Karajan and Barbirolli) was approaching its peak when he died from cancer in 1969 aged just 55.
Concert pianist Anda Anastasescu’s performances across the world have been consistently praised for their passion, artistry and imagination. An International Debussy Competition winner, she has performed extensively with orchestras in Europe, the USA and Asia, and toured with her own orchestra, The London Schubert Players. Anda has given a number of first UK performances of works by Constantin Silvestri, Dinu Lipatti and George Enescu, and produced A Romanian Musical Adventure - the first London festival of Romanian composers, November 2005 – February 2006 .
Anda Anastasescu’s interview by Radio Romani Online
Contact details:
Anda Anastasescu, Director Artistic
Tel: 00 44 (0) 20 7603 139
Press Release: Ionela Flood, Londra, ionela@talktalk.net
Lansarea albumului „Constantin Silvestri -A Bournemouth Love Affair ’’

Pe 19 octombrie 2009, noua casă londoneză de discuri Romanian Musical Adventure (RMA) a lansat un dublu CD set digital cu înregistrări unice din arhiva BBC, ale Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra sub bagheta legendarului dirijor şi compozitor român Constantin Silvestri, pentru care se comemorează în acest an 40 de ani de la moartea acestuia la Londra. Acest proiect este primul pentru noua casă independentă de discuri, iar orchestra Bournemouth Symphony este singura orchestră britanică care a inregistrat vreodată lucrările ale lui George Enescu. http://www.romanianmusicaladventure.org/
"Constantin Silvestri - A Bournemouth Love Affair"
CD-ul dublu conţine lucrări majore de George Enescu (Simfonia No. 1 şi Suitele pentru Orchestră No. 1 şi No. 2) dirijate de Silvestri, precum şi o bijuterie unică: cele Trei Piese pentru Coarde compuse şi dirijate în mod unic, de Silvestri însuşi. Pe lânga acestea, CD-urile contin Uvertura Flautul Fermecat şi Simfonia No. 29 de Mozart, Dansuri Slavonice de Dvorak şi Simfonia No.1 de Prokofiev.
Casa de Discuri RMA a fost înfiinţată de pianista Anda Anastasescu pentru promovarea patrimoniului muzical românesc în lume:
"Când am produs primul festival de compozitori români în 2005 la Londra, am descoperit o bogăţie extraordinară de lucrări, care sunt practic necunoscute în afara României şi rareori cântate chiar si acolo. Am decis să deschid RMA pentru a aduce aceste lucrări în atentia publicului larg si a profesiei muzicale. Faptul că avem aceste înregistrări este un adevărat miracol. Înregistrate de BBC în anii 1960, originalele au fost pierdute. Ceea ce prezentam noi azi pe CD sunt copii unice, descoperite in colecţia personală a lui Silvestri, făcute de el însuşi din emisiunile BBC Radio de-a lungul anilor”.
Acest dublu CD este un cadou foarte special pentru România si români, prin omagiul adus celor doi giganţi ai muzicii clasice românesti si prin gestul de recuperare a unor interpretări cu valoare istorică, care ar fi rămas, poate, necunoscute. Albumul CD poate fi cumpărat online la http://www.romanianmusicaladventure.org/
Note pentru editori:
Romanian Musical Adventure (RMA) este o nouă casă independentă de discuri, înfiinţată pentru a înregistra lucrări remarcabile de compozitori români, repertoriu nou şi mai puţin cunoscut, si repertoriu cunoscut dar interpretat într-o lumină nouă.
Constantin Silvestri a fost dirijor permanent al Orchestrei Filarmonice din Bucuresti, al Orchestrei Radiodifuziunii Nationale si al Operei Române. A părăsit România în 1958 şi în 1961 a devenit dirijorul principal al Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra din Anglia. În următorii opt ani orchestra si-a câştigat un renume internaţional, iar reputaţia lui Silvestri (a fost comparat cu Von Karajan si Barbirolli) a crescut meteoric pâna când a fost răpus de cancer în 1969, la vârstă de doar 55 de ani.
Pianista Anda Anastasescu este apreciată în întreaga lume pentru interpretări pline de pasiune, calitate si imaginaţie artistică. Numărându-se printre câstigătorii Concursului Internaţional Debussy, a sustinut concerte pe cinci continente, colaborând cu orchestre din Europa, SUA şi Asia, şi întreprinzând turnee cu orchestra proprie, London Schubert Players. Anda Anastasescu a prezentat în Premiera Britanică multe lucrări de Silvestri, Enescu si Lipatti, si a produs festivalul londonez O Aventură Muzicală Românească - primul festival britanic de compozitori români (Noiembrie 2005 - Februarie 2006, finanţat de DRRP-MAE).
Anda Anastasescu intervievată de Radio Romani Online la lansarea de CD: http://romani-online.co.uk/radiopod/
Detalii de contact: Anda Anastasescu, Director Artistic. rma@romanianmusicaladventure.org ,
Romanian Musical Adventure http://www.romanianmusicaladventure.org/,
tel: 0044(0) 20 7603 1396
Consemnează Ionela Flood, Londra, ionelaflood@gmail.com,
0044 7515 25 3584
In memoriam Constantin Silvestri @ ICR London 19 October 2009, 7pm
On February 23rd 1969, the world lost a great musician and a remarkable man. Thelegendary conductor and composer died in a London hospital aged 55, after a meteoric career which started in Bucharest and ended in Bournemouth.
Constantin Silvestri
Constantin Silvestri is best remembered in Britain for elevating the Bournemouth Symphony into an orchestra of international repute when he was its principal conductor from 1961 until his death. He guest conducted and recorded with the world's most celebrated orchestras.
The Constantin Silvestri International Foundation, The London Schubert Players Trust andThe Romanian Musical Adventure present a unique musical homage to his memory bringing together pianist Anda Anastasescu and The London Schubert Players Quartet with the Vienna-based Silvestri Quartet, and the RMA record company.
Anda Anastasescu
¥ String and Piano quartets by Enescu, Silvestri and Vieru
¥ Clouds for Piano, Violin, Clarinet and Cello by Salvador Torre (Mexico), winner of the
Silvestri Composition Prize 2009
¥ A Bournemouth Love Affair: launch of CD album with unique BBC archive recordings
of Silvestri conducting works by Enescu, Silvestri, Mozart, Dvorak and Prokofiev
¥ Silvestri exhibition
The event includes the European Cultural Project "Romania4Art", initiated by the Constantin Silvestri International Cultural Foundation which offers music lovers the privilege of listening to chamber music masterpieces by leading Romanian composers.
This project is financed through The Cantemir Programme of The Romanian Cultural Institute.
When: Monday, 19 October 2009, 7-9 pm
Where: Romanian Cultural Institute London
Free admission.
Constantin Silvestri
A Musician Before His Time
A biography by John Gritten with a Foreword by Yehudi Menuhim
Photos: http://www.constantinsilvestri.com/
Source: Romanian Headlines
Press Office
Embassy of Romania in the UK